About Stockport Council

We are an ambitious council, working as one team to create opportunities for everyone in our borough. Our workforce comprises 2,949 people, rising to 8,113 when school and casual staff are included. Central to our way of working is our partnership relationships; these include businesses, the Voluntary Community Faith and Social Enterprise Sector (VCFSE) and public sector partners. We are an award-winning organisation. This year, we have been shortlisted for four Local Government Chronicle Awards and four Management Journal Awards.

We have strong partnerships and have recently launched the next phase of our Borough Plan, One Stockport: One Future. This sets out our vision for the next fifteen years. It focuses on the ‘5 Big Things’ that will have a significant long-term impact, making Stockport the best place in the UK to live happy and healthy lives.

However, Stockport faces stark inequalities and is one of the ten most polarised boroughs in the country. In some communities, life expectancy and healthy life expectancy are not improving as much as they should.

Council Plan

Our Council Plan 2024-2027 builds on our existing ambitions and steps up the pace of change and delivery, placing transformation at the heart of our ambitions. During the financial year 2024/25, we plan to spend £788m on providing a wide range of services to Stockport residents. We have 4 big ambitions that inform the way we work and our priorities over the next three years.

The next phase of our Borough plan is One Stockport: One Future, which looks ahead 15 years and sets out the ‘5 Big Things’ that together with partners we will deliver to make Stockport a place where everyone can live happy and healthy lives. We want to build on the brilliant success we have already achieved and tackle some of the biggest challenges of our time from inequalities in our Borough to the effects of climate change.

  • Regeneration: We’ll continue to drive investment in regeneration projects, including

    • The multimillion point transformation of Stockport’s bus station into a modern transport interchange

    • The redevelopment of key town centre sites including Weir Mill and Royal George Village

    • The redevelopment of an 8-acre town centre site into a new fully walkable neighbourhood with 1,200 new homes and brand-new public spaces

    Business: We’ll support the business base in Stockport, including:

    • The development of the Work Shop which will provide a drop in facility in the town centre to help businesses identify and meet their support needs.

    • The redevelopment of 115,000 square feet of land in Cheadle to create a low carbon, highly sustainable park for engineering, manufacturing and technology businesses.

    • The creation of 2 new modern retail units in the former BHS department store.

    Housing: We’ll deliver ambitious housing projects.

    • As well as homes being created in the town centre, we’re also working with our partners to develop St Thomas’ Academy of Living Well, which will support people transitioning between hospital and home.

    • We also have ambitious plans to create more accessible and affordable housing in the east of our town centre.

    Transport: as well as the Stockport Interchange, major public transport initiatives include:

    • Bringing the Metrolink to Stockport.

    • Facilitating a zero-emissions bus network.

    • The introduction of the Bee Network franchise.

    • Securing further national investment in Stockport Railway Station.

    • Building a new railway station at Cheadle.

    • Improving accessibility to our local railway stations.

    • Continuing to improve our pedestrian and cycle infrastructure.

  • Schools: we’ll create the conditions in which great school leaders can run great schools by:

    • Further developing our strong partnerships with schools and school leaders.

    • Making sure all schools have the opportunity to join a sustainable and successful local multi academy trust.

    • Developing a clear plan to manage fluctuation in pupil numbers.

    Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): We’ll improve opportunities and outcomes for residents with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) by:

    • Continuing to deliver additional specialist places, including post-16 provision.

    • Working with our partners to improve the offer for neurodiversity, with a particular focus on needs-based support at the earliest point and reducing waiting times for diagnosis.

    Work opportunities for young people: We’ll work with employers to increase opportunities for young people to experience the world of work and understand the range of career opportunities by:

    • Continuing to develop the new One Stockport Education and Careers Forum to improve careers education, information, advice and guidance for young people and their parents or carers.

    • Creating the Construction Skills Academy to provide a one-stop shop for residents, businesses and contractors to connect people with jobs, skills and local business opportunities.

    Access to work for adults: We’ll improve access to work for adults and support for those re-entering the job market by:

    • Improving signposting to support available through our partners.

    • Holding employability sessions for people aged 50 and over who are looking for work.

    • promoting the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter to secure more opportunities for good work with good pay and conditions for local residents.

  • Neighbourhoods: We’ll deliver our ambitious neighbourhoods and prevention programme, which involves:

    • Radically changing the way we plan and deliver services in our neighbourhoods, starting by asking our residents what matters to them most.

    • Putting people at the heart of what we do and focusing on our communities’ strengths as well as their needs.

    • Encouraging collaboration between public services, communities, businesses and residents

    Thriving places: We’ll create thriving places by:

    • Opening up public buildings to communities and the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector.

    • Working with businesses and residents to improve our district centres, and hold events and activities to boost footfall.

    • Working with residents to make it easier for people to travel around Stockport.

    • Promoting greener travel such as public transport, cycling and walking.

    • delivering Stockport Moving Together to encourage healthy, physically active lives and enjoyment of culture and green space, with a focus on residents who struggle to be active

    Connected communities: We’ll support connected communities by:

    • creating Family Hub networks to bring professionals together so people can get the help they need at the right time, in the right place, and in a way that promotes resilience and independence.

    • Further developing our libraries and leisure centres as community hubs with a range of activities and support on offer.

    • Continuing to work with our vibrant VCFSE sector.

    Health and care: We’ll deliver collaborative health and care by:

    • Bringing our health and care professionals together in neighbourhoods to work as one team; this will focus on early intervention and joined up support so that people stay healthy, well and independent in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.

    • Improving the experience of care for residents who transition between services or receive more than one service.

    • Improving support for people who are frail or at risk of frailty, have diabetes, suffer from alcohol-related harm, or have cardiovascular disease.

    • Targeting work with communities to reduce health inequalities.

  • Care and support: We’ll protect, keep safe and support our residents with care and support needs.

    • Our Safeguarding Boards will continue to ensure residents are able to report concerns and feel confident that their concerns will be addressed appropriately.

    Tackling poverty: We’ll lead the borough’s response to tackling poverty by:

    • Developing our understanding of the impact of the ongoing cost of living crisis.

    • Providing easy access to information and advice.

    • Supporting people to increase their income.

    • Providing help for those in crisis.

    Mental health and neurodiversity: We’ll support residents with their mental health, mental wellbeing, learning disabilities and autism, by:

    Children in care and care leavers: we’ll support the children in our care and care leavers by:

    • Continuing to explore innovative care models to make sure that all children are cared for within a family home where possible.

    • Focusing on increasing the number of foster carers in the borough and acquiring new properties to expand our current stock.

    • embedding our Care Leaver Covenant to improve education, employment and training opportunities for care leavers.

    Adult social care: We’ll make sure our adult social care services are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led, by:

    • Working with our partners to develop a range of housing options.

    • Using technology enabled care as our first choice to enable people to live independently in their own home for longer.

    • Developing a diverse offer for people who need long term support.

    • Maintaining seamless and integrated care pathways.

    • Developing and delivering a Carers Strategy to ensure that carers feel recognised, valued and supported.

Corporate Peer Challenge

Our recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge described us as an “impressive organisation” with outstanding partnerships, strong performance across key areas, and robust financial management. This is alongside the strong and trusting relationships that exist across councillors and officers. The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge revisit in 2023 praised our purposeful and targeted approach to developing our workforce, recognising our People Plan instilled our values and a sense of pride in colleagues. This is alongside national-leading innovation in regeneration, children’s services (rated Good by Ofsted), and digital.

Living Our Values

One of our most important assets is our workforce. We are investing heavily in our workforce and putting wellbeing at the heart of our One Team People Plan. This ensures our colleagues feel valued, inspired, and engaged. Co-created with our workforce, it has been a transformative shift for Stockport Council.

Underpinned by our “Ambitious Stockport” and “Creating Opportunities for Everyone” approach, it emphasises our council’s values and the role of communication and engagement to deepen understanding of the council’s mission, vision and how it applies to every colleague.

Our most recent All Colleague survey (with a fantastic 69% response rate) highlighted that our colleagues have a passion for the people of Stockport, with 95% of colleagues understanding how their work benefits Stockport residents and 87% saying that they are motivated to make a difference to Stockport residents.

Our four values underpin everything we do and describe the way we work. They influence our choices and our behaviours and are the thread running through everything we do.

Further Reading


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